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Is a Bridge or Partial Right for You?

March 14, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — edmonddental @ 1:28 am

Digital image of a bridge and crownsAre you tired of missing teeth being the focal point of your smile? Whether you’ve lost a single tooth or several teeth, your confidence was probably lost along with them. However, tooth loss is more than an aesthetic issue. Each tooth is invaluable for a healthy smile. Thankfully, you have more options than ever to fill the spaces of lost teeth, like a bridge or partial. Both are supported by generations of success, but which is right for you? Here’s what you need to know about partial dentures and dental bridges in Edmond to rebuild a beautiful smile. 

Every Tooth is Important

Your jawbone relies on every tooth to stay strong and healthy. Losing even one causes the jawbone to shrink because it isn’t being stimulated by the root. You can lose up to 25% of your jaw’s density within the first year of missing a tooth, which will continue as more time passes.

As your jawbone weakens, any remaining teeth won’t have sufficient support, causing them to drift from their proper positions. As your teeth move, you will have an increased risk of several oral health issues, including cavities, gum disease, and tooth loss. 

Whether you just lost a tooth or you have had missing teeth for years, it’s never too late to invest in a healthy, functional smile. 

Treat Consecutive Tooth Loss

A fixed bridge is the most traditional method of replacing one or more missing teeth in a row. An impression of your mouth is used to recreate the portions of your lost teeth above the gum line. It is held in place by bonding dental crowns over 1-2 adjacent teeth. 

A bridge is recommended for patients with consecutive tooth loss who have healthy teeth to support the prosthetic. Your abutment teeth must be reshaped to allow the crowns to fit over them to provide long-term results. As an alternative to crowns, 1-2 dental implants can be used to anchor the bridge to your jawbone. 

Treat Significant Tooth Loss

A partial denture differs from a bridge because it treats both consecutive and non-consecutive tooth loss. Prosthetic teeth are crafted to fill the spaces of those you have lost, which are affixed in a gum-colored base. The prosthetic features a metal framework, allowing it to clip or clasp in place using your natural teeth. 

A partial is an effective method of treating several lost teeth throughout an arch. Unlike a bridge, a partial is not bonded in place to preserve more of your natural smile. However, any remaining teeth must be healthy to provide the partial with adequate support. 

No matter the method, your new teeth will look and feel natural to give your confidence and quality of life the boost they need. 

About Dr. M. Kent Smith

Dr. Kent earned his dental degree at the University of Texas Health Science Center in Houston before continuing his training at the University of Oklahoma College of Dentistry. He has the qualifications and experience you can trust to replace your lost teeth. Contact our office today to request a consultation.

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