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Take Our Quiz to See if Cosmetic Dentistry is Right for You!

August 23, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — edmonddental @ 9:00 pm
Woman with smiling with magnifying glass on her teeth

In a world with Coronavirus, there is a lot uncertain. However, if you have a desk job, there is one thing for sure: you’re probably on Zoom video calls almost every day. These up close but not so personal meetings may cause you to hide your smile with self-consciousness due to various cosmetic flaws. Thankfully, these imperfections can be erased with cosmetic dentistry. Take this quick and easy quiz to find out which services your cosmetic dentist can use to transform your smile for completely confident Zoom calls. Don’t worry, there are no wrong answers!

#1. What Would You Rate Your Smile on a Scale of 1 to 10?

  1. Between 7 and 9: I have small flaws that I wish weren’t there.
  2. Between 4 and 6: My smile is average, but there are various imperfections that negatively impact my self-confidence.
  3. Between 1 and 5: There are so many chips, stains, and other issues that I don’t like my smile.

#2. What is Your Budget for Cosmetic Dentistry?

  1. I’m on a budget and want the most affordable solution.
  2. I am willing to pay a little extra to achieve my dream results.
  3. I will spend whatever I need to for a beautiful set of teeth. 

#3. Are You Looking to Permanently Alter Your Smile?

  1. I want to make the slightest changes to my smile.
  2. I will consider altering my smile.
  3. I am open to whatever my dentist recommends.

#4. Do You Have Issues Like Cracked, Decayed, or Missing Teeth?

  1. I have a healthy set of teeth with a few small chips.
  2. My teeth have noticeable chips, stains, and gaps but no decay.
  3. Yes, I have significant tooth decay and other major oral health issues.


If you answered…

Mostly A’s

You’re lucky—you probably just need dental bonding or teeth whitening in Edison. Both of these treatments are affordable, and you can get them in just one appointment. Cosmetic bonding reshapes your teeth with a special tooth colored resin while teeth whitening lifts stains and discoloration from your smile.

Mostly B’s

You may need a combination of cosmetic treatments like dental bonding and gum recontouring. Dental bonding will close slight gaps and hide misshapen teeth. Plus, if your teeth look short, your dentist can recontour your gums to eliminate your gummy smile!

Mostly C’s

If you answered mostly C’s, you may need veneers. These are thin shells of dental porcelain that are designed to cover the entire front surfaces of your teeth. They are custom made to match the exact size, shape, and shade of your natural smile.

Schedule Your Consultation

If your answers didn’t seem to fit a majority, you can schedule a consultation with your dentist. They will examine your smile and work closely with you to recommend the best treatment.

Meet the Dentist

Dr. Kent Smith is a skilled cosmetic dentist with a passion for helping his patients smile. He offers veneers, teeth whitening, and more for simply beautiful results. If you have any questions, he can be contacted through his website or by phone at (405) 341-7773.

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