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Do I Need a Tooth Extraction?

July 7, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — edmonddental @ 2:11 am
Man with tooth pain holds hand to cheek

Contrary to what some horror clichés would have you believe, dentists aren’t determined to pull your teeth out. In fact, they’ll do everything they can to help you preserve your natural, healthy smile for a lifetime! Unfortunately, there are instances where a tooth needs to be removed to protect the wellbeing of the rest of your teeth and your overall health. Thankfully, tooth extractions are now more efficient and comfortable than ever with the help of modern dental technology. Read on to find out how a tooth extraction in Edmond can help alleviate tooth pain and how to tell if you need one.

Signs You May Need a Tooth Extraction

Tooth extractions are only recommended when there are no other viable ways to save the tooth or safeguard the rest of your smile. The most common warning signs you should be on the lookout for include:

  • Intense toothache
  • Loose teeth with inflamed gums
  • A pimple-like bump on the gums

How Does the Tooth Extraction Process Work?

If you need to have a tooth extracted, your dentist’s first goal will be to get you out of pain. Depending on your unique situation or needs, they may recommend sedation dentistry. Nitrous oxide, or laughing gas, can help you feel light and at-ease within moments of being applied, then wear off quickly after your treatment. For a deeper level of relaxation, you may be prescribed an oral sedative. Oral conscious sedation will allow you to stay awake enough to respond to your dentist’s requests, but it’s unlikely that you’ll remember any of the procedure itself.

Once you’re comfortable, your mouth is completely numbed. Then, your dentist will carefully rock the afflicted tooth back and forth. Eventually, it will come free of the remaining connective tissues and slip out on its own. Finally, they’ll either close the gums over the extraction site with dissolvable stitches or pack a gauze pad into the socket to stop the bleeding. After a few days of recovery, you’ll be back to enjoying your healthy pearly whites!

What Happens If I Avoid Getting My Tooth Extracted?

Many people associate tooth extractions with pain, and therefore try to avoid them even when recommended by their dentist. However, the truth is, removing a problematic tooth almost always relieves more pain than it causes. Additionally, teeth can’t heal themselves like the rest of your body can. Leaving an infected or damaged tooth untreated will only allow the problem to get worse and put you at a higher risk of serious, painful, and expensive complications. Your dentist won’t recommend a tooth extraction lightly, so it’s a good idea to get one as soon as you need to!

If you find yourself with an intense, long-lasting toothache or other dental emergency in Edmond, contact your dentist right away! They may be able to quickly relieve your pain and get you back to enjoying your happy, healthy smile with a tooth extraction.

About the Author

Dr. M. Kent Smith has been helping the smiles of Edmond, OK and the surrounding communities achieve and maintain optimal oral health for over 30 years now. He is proud to provide a comprehensive menu of dental services and treatments that can help you overcome nearly any oral health issue. With same-day emergency appointments, calming sedation dentistry options, and in-house tooth extractions, he can make repairing your smile as easy and comfortable as possible. If you think you may need a tooth extraction, feel free to contact him via his website or at (405) 341-7773.

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